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24 July 2013

[OOTD] Streets of Hong Kong

Blogging has really turned me into a different person. For one, I'm actually concerned about the fact that I haven't posted an outfit in more than 2 weeks. Call me a narcissistic bitch but I can't help shooting what I wear. Though as of late, the weather in Hong Kong has been experiencing a range of mood swings making it extremely hard for me to shoot. After rescheduling several times with my friend Emily from Style By Emmy, I finally decided that I had to do it no matter what.

I've been thinking about going to Tai Hang for a long time but never had a good enough reason. After the I.T party at the W though, I definitely had a good impression of the ice cream from Lab Made. My friend keeps talking about my food baby and yes, I'm feeding it well... I digress, but I assure you a Tai Hang shopping feature is on the way!


  1. Really wouldn't mind having your blazer! Where's it from??

    Don't worry about being a narcissistic bitch, haha, all us bloggers around the world are the same ;)


  2. Great photos and style, Loving the shoes and bag! And blogging does make everyone a lil narcissistic but in a good way :) :)

